




联系方式:18583980525 邮箱:登录后查看

个人情况: 谭帅、工学博士,副教授,硕士生导师 电话:18583980525 邮箱:tanshuai@scu.edu.cn 通讯地址:四川大学化学工程学院314室 教育经历: 2006.09-2010.06,四川大学化学工程学院过程装备与控制工程专业,获工学学士学位。 2010.09-2015.06,四川大学化学工程学院化工过程机械专业,获工学博士学位。 工作经历: 2015.07-2018.08,四川大学化学工程学院过程装备与安全工程系,讲师。 2018.08-今,四川大学化学工程学院过程装备与安全工程系,副教授。 研究方向: 新能源装备与过程强化、固态/准固态电解质、有机自组装功能材料 承担科研项目: 1.国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目“基于液晶构建长程有序非碘电对通道强化染料敏化太阳电池性能”(21805199),2019-2021,项目负责人; 2.中国博士后科学基金面上资助项目“各向异性离子液晶凝胶电解质强化染料敏化太阳电池性能”(2019M663494),2020.01-2021.12,课题负责人。 3.中央高校青年教师科研启动基金(2016SCU11019),2016-2017,项目负责人; 4.横向项目17H0473、17H1149,项目负责人; 代表论文 ( 第一 / 通讯作者 ) : 1. Caihong Wang, Xueyong Li, Jiwen Zhou, Wen Tian, Junyi Ji, Shuai Tan*, Yong Wu, Interconnection of smectic domains by polyethylene oxide networks for long-range conducting channels towards efficient and thermally stable dye-sensitized solar cells. Nanoscale 2020,DOI: 10.1039/D0NR06360F. 2. Caihong Wang, Weibin Dong, Peiqi Li, Yifan Wang, Haiyan Tu, Shuai Tan*, Yong Wu, Masayoshi Watanabe. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2020, 12, 42202. 3. Xueyong Li, Zhengshun Zhao, Jiwen Zhou, Caihong Wang, Yong Wu, Shuai Tan*. An all-solid-state lamellar-nanostructured polymer electrolyte in-situ-prepared from smectic liquid crystal for thermally stable dye-sensitized solar cells. Chemical Engineering Science 2020, 221, 115710. 4. Caihong Wang, Xueyong Li, Yong Wu, Shuai Tan*. An efficient and thermally stable dye-sensitized solar cell based on a lamellar nanostructured thiolate/disulfide liquid crystal electrolyte and carbon/PEDOT composite nanoparticle electrode. RSC Advances 2019, 9, 35924. 5. Caihong Wang, Xiaoqin Guan, Yong Wu, Shuai Tan* . Polyacrylamide crosslinked by bis-vinylimidazolium bromide for high elastic and stable hydrogels. RSC Advances 2019,9, 27640. 6. Kang Ning, Peiqi Li, Shuai Tan* , Caihong Wang.Azobenzene Based Inorganic Salts for Light Modulated Ionic Conductivity in Aqueous Solution. Soft matter , 2019, 15, 7992. 7. Shuai Tan , Zhengshun Zhao, Caihong Wang, Yong Wu. A thiolate/disulfide liquid crystalline electrolyte for dye-sensitized solar cells: Promotion of the Grotthuss-type charge transport through lamellar nanostructures. Electrochimica Acta 2018, 288 , 165. 8. Qiannan Yu, Zhengshun Zhao, Shuai Tan* . Preparation and proton conduction in liquid crystals containing sulfonic acid moiety. Emerging Materials Research , 2018, 7 , 218. 9. Shuai Tan , Ting Liang, Bingzhuo Wei, Siyu Cao, Yong Wu.Proton conductive polymers obtained by in-situ polymerization of a mesomorphic benzimidazole monomer in smectic A, nematic and isotropic phases. Reactive and Functional Polymers , 2017, 115 , 95. 10. Shuai Tan , Bingzhuo Wei, Ting Liang, Xiaohui Yang, Yong Wu.Anhydrous proton conduction in liquid crystals containing benzimidazole moieties. RSC advance , 2016, 6 , 34038. 11. Shuai Tan , Yong Wu, Ting Liang, Xiaohui Yang.Kinetic modeling of anhydrous proton conduction in side chain liquid crystal polyacrylates. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2014, 39 , 17391. 12. Shuai Tan , Caihong Wang, Ting Liang, Weixing Huang, Yong Wu.Syntheses, characterizations and electrochemical properties of mesomorphic 4-(4’-alkoxy-(1,1’-biphenyl)-4-oxy)butane-1-sulfonic acids. Journal of Molecular Structure 2013, 1045 , 15. 13. Shuai Tan , Caihong Wang, Yong Wu.Anisotropic assembly of a side chain liquid crystal polymer containing sulfoalkoxy groups for anhydrous proton conduction. Journal of Material Chemistry A. Journal of Material Chemistry A 2013, 1 , 1022. 荣誉称号: 四川大学“化工之星” 教学工作: 主讲本科生课程——过程机器、高速回转件的强度与振动、新能源过程探索实验。
