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四川大学化工学院青年教师罗建洪 Luo Jianhong College of Chemical Engineering , Sichuan University 个人简介 2010年博士毕业留校任教,副教授,福建仙游人。 Title:Associate professor (Teaching in Sichuan University after PhD graduation in 2010) Hometown:Xianyou in Fujian, China 科研方向:分离纯化与过程强化研究 ☆磷资源综合利用技术开发 ☆ Phosphorus resources comprehensive utilization technology ☆微通道萃取、结晶分离与纯化技术开发 ☆ Micro-channels extraction, crystallization separation and purification technology ☆含重金属废水处理技术开发 ☆ Heavy metal wastewater treatment technology ☆光催化处理有机废水技术开发 ☆ Photo-catalytic treatment of organic wastewater technology ☆超细纳米材料开发 ☆ Ultra-fine nanomaterial development 联系方式: E-mail: luojianhong@scu.edu.cn; QQ:709288336 Phone:028-62137696,13550038913。 实验室 江安校区化学工程学院B101,B412。 RoomB101、B412, Chemical Engineering Building, Jiangan Campus, Sichuan University. 受教育情况 时间学历学校专业 2017.3-2018.3宾夕法尼亚州立大学访学 2007.9­­—2010.6博士四川大学化学工艺 2004.9­—2007.6硕士四川大学化学工程 2000.9­—2004.6学士四川大学化学工程与工艺 2000.9­—2004.6学士四川大学工商管理(辅修) 2017.3--2018.3 Academic visiting, Pennsylvania State University 2007.9--2010.6 PhD, Chemical Technology, Sichuan University, 2004.9--2007.6 Master, Chemical Engineering, Sichuan University 2000.9--2004.6 Bachelor, Chemical Engineering and Technology, Sichuan University 2000.9--2004.6 Bachelor, Business Administration, Sichuan University (minor) 教学情况 主讲课程:化工原理、工业结晶基础、化工工艺实验 课程设计、毕业设计:化工工艺课程设计、毕业论文设计、大学生创新实验。 Courses: Principles of Chemical Engineering, Industrial Crystallization Foundation, Chemical Technology Experiment Curriculum design, Graduation design: Chemical Technology Course Design, Graduation Thesis Design, College Students Innovation Experiment 科研情况 科研上,主要参与项目有: (1).中国欣龙集团“5kt/a萃取法制备磷酸二氢钾”中试线并实现了复分解法制备工业级磷酸二氢钾工艺技术开发,主要负责工人培训及投料开车指导。 “Monopotassium phosphate production by 5kt/a extraction” pilot production and industrial-grade monopotassium phosphate technology development by metathesis method, being responsible for staff training and start-up production guidance. (China Sing Long Group) (2).中国安微六国化工“5wt/a磷酸净化和磷酸盐项目整体技术转移”项目。 该项目技术来源于我们实验室开发的“湿法磷酸溶剂萃取净化制工业磷酸技术”。湿法磷酸净化制工业磷酸工艺能耗低、污染小,与传统热法磷酸工艺比较具有显著的能源、环境和成本优势,是现代磷化工发展的方向。但是湿法磷酸杂质高,净化技术要求高,在此之前国内还没有采用自主技术建设的工业装置。该项目转移的磷酸净化和磷酸盐项目工艺技术不仅国内首创,与国外同类技术相比,还具有萃取体系合理,萃取效率高;工艺流程短,投资成本大幅度降低等优点,主要负责投料开车指导。 “Overall technological transfer of 5wt/a phosphoric acid purification and phosphate” project. (Anhui Liu Guo Chemical, China) The technology “wet-process phosphoric acid purification by solvent extraction to make industrial phosphoric acid” is used in the project. It is the modern way for phosphorus chemical, having impressive advantages over traditional phosphoric acid production by furnace process in energy consumption, environmental protection and costs saving. In fact, phosphoric acid production by the wet process requires higher purification techniques to remove impurities when autonomous industrial devices have not been applied in China, yet, the technological transfer used in the project, being the first technology in China, boasts its right extraction system, high extraction efficiency and substantial cost saving for short process flow when compared with counterparts overseas. (3).中国云天化国际化工股份有限公司“10wt/a磷酸净化和磷酸盐项目整体技术转移”项目,主要负责加工投料开车指导。 “Overall technological transfer of 10 wt/a phosphoric acid purification and phosphate” project, being responsible for start-up production and processing guidance.(China Yuntianhua International Chemical Co., Ltd) (4).完成了萃取法制备工业级硫酸钾工艺技术开发,并实现了3wt/a的生产规模。 Extraction process for industrial-grade potassium sulfate technology development on a 3wt / a production scale. 近几年来承担的科研项目有: 1.项目名称:国家重点研发计划子课题—湿法磷酸加工尾气典型气相组份高效分离关键技术,金额:47万元,2018年,来源:科技部 2.项目名称:刮膜式微通道破乳塔液-液聚并机理研究,金额:76.26万元,2017年,来源:国家自然科学基金面上项目 3.项目名称:湖北磷矿生产阿尔法半水石膏技术评价合同,2019年,金额:40万元,企业委托项目 4.项目名称:垃圾渗透液浓水处理技术开发,金额:50万元,2019年,企业委托项目 5.项目名称:钛白废酸副产物资源化利用项目,金额:50万元,2019年,企业委托项目 6.项目名称:可控乳化萃取强化湿法磷酸净化制备精细磷酸盐的研究,金额:40万元,2018年,来源:四川大学火花库 7.项目名称:微通道强化萃取钛白废酸钪离子的研究,金额:20万元,2018年,来源:四川大学攀枝花市校市战略合作专项资金 8.项目名称:(川大-泸州)天然气裂解制乙炔产生废酸回收利用研究,金额:15万元,2018年,来源:川大-泸州项目 9.项目名称:磷化工关键技术与产业化子课题磷酸盐生产技术研究,金额:7.5万元,2015年,来源:四川大学 10.项目名称:基于预分散溶剂萃取湿法磷酸净化强化过程机理研究,金额:10万元,2014年,来源:四川省科技厅 11.项目名称:食品磷酸装置、磷酸二氢钾装置项目,金额:16万元,2012年,来源:云天化国际化工股份有限公司 12.项目名称:MAP技术改造项目技术服务合同(排名第二),金额:2980万元,2012年,来源:云天化国际化工股份有限公司 13.项目名称:成品一车间气流粉碎工段改造,金额:28万元,2011年,来源:天齐锂业公司 14.项目名称:采用区熔法制备高纯磷酸过程中的杂质平衡分布研究,金额:5万元,2010年,来源:四川大学 近年来,主要发表的论文近20篇,其中SCI13篇,第一作者11篇,通讯作者3篇,代表性文章有: In recent years, nearly 20 articles have been published, of which 13articles in SCI, 11 articles are in the name of first author, 3 in the name of corresponding author, 3 in GCJC, and 4 in professional phosphate journals, selected publications are : 1.Study on Mg 2 + Removal from Ammonium Dihydrogen Phosphate Solution by Predispersed Solvent Extraction. JianHong Luo, Jun Li,* Yang Jin, Yi Zhang, and DongSheng Zheng. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2009,48,2056–2060 2.JianHong Luo, Jun Li†, Kun Zhou, and Yang Jin, Study on Mg2+ removal from ammonium dihydrogen phosphate solutionby solvent extraction with di-2-ethylhexyl phosphoric acid, Korean J. Chem. Eng., 2011,28(4), 1105-1109 3. Bao-ming Wang, Jun Li, Ya-bing Qi, XuhongJia and Jianhong Luo. Phosphoric Acid Purification by Suspension Melt Crystallization: Parametric Study of Crystallization and Sweating Steps. Crystal Research and Technology 2012,47(10):1113-1120 4.Zhaopeng Yang, Jun Li, Jianhong Luo, Pan Wang, Kun Zhou. Solid–liquid phase equilibrium for the ternary system urea phosphate + ammonium dihydrogen phosphate + water at 25 and 55 °C. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 2012, 335(15):60-63. 5. Jian-hong LUO, Jun LI, Zhao-peng YANG, Xue-feng LIU, Removal of chromium(III) from aqueous waste solution bypredispersed solvent extraction,Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 2013,(23) 524−529 6. Jian Hong Luo, Jun Li*, Ya Bing Qi, Yu Qing Cao, Study on the removal of chromium(III) by solvent extraction,Desalination and Water Treatment,2013,(51) 2130–2134 7. J.H. Luo a, J. Li a,*, X.X. Duan,Study on removal of Fe3+ from sodium dihydrogen phosphate by emulsificationsolvent extraction,Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry,2013,(19)727–731 8. J. H. Luo, J. Li,*, X. X. Duan,and Y. Jin, Extraction of Fe3+ from Sodium Dihydrogen Phosphate with ColloidalLiquid Aphrons, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2013, (52), 4306−4311 9.Jian Hong Luo, Jun Li, Bao Ming Wang,Study on Mg2+ removal from ammonium dihydrogen phosphate solutionby an emulsion liquid membrane,Hem. Ind. 2014,68 (3) 341–346 10. Luo Jian Hong,Li Jun,Lin Long Fei,Solvent Extraction of Calciumion from Cation Exchange Resin Regeneration Waste Water Using D2EHPA and Saponified D2EHPA,Desalination and Water Treatment,2015,53(5):1286~1291 11. Li Xing,Li Jun,Luo Jian Hong*,Jin Yang,Zou Da,Purification of Wet Process Phosphoric Acid by Solvent Extraction using Cyclohexanol,solvent extraction research and development,2017,24(1):23~35 12. Zhu Xin Hua,Li Jun,Jin Yang,Zheng Dan,Luo Jian Hong* ,Removal of Cadmium (II) from Aqueous Solution by a new Adsorbent ofFluor-hydroxyapatite Composites,Journal of the Taiwan Institute of ChemicalEngineers,2017,(70):200~208 13. Shuang Dai, Jianhong Luo,* Jun Li, Xinhua Zhu, Yan Cao, and Sridhar Komarneni,Liquid−Liquid Microextraction of Cu2+ from Water Using a New Circle Microchannel Device, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2017, 56, 12717–12725 14. Jian Hong Luo, Jun Li, Lei Guo, Xin Hua Zhu, Shuang Dai and Xing Li, Removal of chromium(III) from aqueous waste solution by liquid–liquid extraction in a circle microchannel, water science and technology,2017,76(9): 2313-2320 获奖情况 ( Awards ) 1.获得2012年中国化学会第28届学术年会优秀组织奖 2.获2014年化工安全设计道达尔杯优秀指导教师 3.获2014年四川大学大学生课外科技实践活动优秀指导教师 4.盐酸分解磷矿制备工业级和食品级磷酸的方法,获2015年中国专利优秀奖 5.获2015年四川大学产学研杰出贡献二等奖 6.获2015年获得四川大学2015年中国成达学生科技竞赛优秀指导教师三等奖 7.指导学生2018年西南赛区大学生化工设计竞赛特等奖 8.指导学生第十二届全国大学生化工设计比赛特等奖 9.指导学生第十二届全国大学生化工设计比赛贰等奖
